Friday, 22 June 2007

19th June 07

This is what I regard as the beginning of the tour around Martin Mere. This weeping willow is home to many of the pigeons and also acts as a screen for the flamingoes.
The flamingoes are busy preparing their nests along the back fence so are quite hard to see at the moment but you can still hear them!!

If you look closely at this photo you can see an egg, well I think it is anyway!

Leave me be, can't you see I am trying to rest while the children are playing.

Still can't find a robin or kingfisher but will these do?? -
Two generations from the blackbird family.

Tuesday, 19 June 2007

17th June 07

Great excitement today as we approached the hides - someone passed us saying that they had seen a tawny owl but had only managed to get a photo of its bum!!!! Sarah was with me so I just knew that we would do better than that. It did prove slightly elusive but we found other livestock on our way then at last there it was high above us watching our every move!

At first glance it appeared to be asleep but then we realised it was in fact watching us, probably wondering what all the commotion was down below!

Monday, 11 June 2007

11th June 07

These are the red spider mites that seem to be all over our windows in this hot weather. I hate them, when you squash them they leave a red mark which is very difficult to get rid of.

My lily is still in flower, a few people have tried to buy it - I have just given them Sue's address.

There weren't many birds around today, they must have stayed in the shade or in Sarah's garden.

This racing pigeon came for a rest, it was too hot even for him.

Too hot to do anything.

Managed to change some black bananas into cakes this morning before it became too hot. The wine was good but not too sure about the cakes!

Sunday, 10 June 2007

Sarah's garden. 10th June 07

These were all taken in Sarah's garden today, I hope she doesn't mind me putting them on here. I am jealous because she seems to have loads more birds in her garden. I know these are all starlings but they were so entertaining with their bickering that I couldn't help but take their photos. A blackbird did try to join in but there was no room for him on the table!

I like this one even though the window got in the way, shame about that!

Just for Anya!

Saturday, 9 June 2007

9th June Martin Mere

For these 2 photos I used the macro setting on my lens, may have to practice with this a bit.

And I believe that this is the Great Spotted Woodpecker, it was playing hide and seek with us. Each time we tapped on the trunk of his tree he came out but of course we weren't ready with our camera then!

This seems to be the new nursery class.

9th June Martin Mere

I am sure you will remember the swan sitting on 5 eggs - well here it is again trying to teach the cygnets to search for food under the water but they only seemed interested in posing for us!

9th June Martin Mere

Some old friends you may have seen before but never mind. The Crowned Crane sends his love to Anya!! He was really in a good mood today.

My new lens!

This was one of the first photos I took with the new lens! These were about to land on the roof of the neighbour's house. I won't tell you what they were trying to do!!


Clever girl Charlie 1 egg hatched only 9 more to go!

Yummmmmy, did I hear someone say 'breakfast'!!!!

Wednesday, 6 June 2007

Around the garden 6th June 07

This car isn't going anywhere without me today!!

My cactus is in bloom again. Unfortunately each flower only lasts for 24 hours - good job there are plenty of them this year!

Tuesday, 5 June 2007

Around the garden 5th June 07

The ladybird seemed to like my washing basket.