Friday, 16 September 2011

Common darter

A few years ago I took (what I thought) was a lovely photo of a common darter so this year I thought I would try to better it!! I walked the length and breadth of Martin Mere but the only one I could see was this one under close guard and too far away for any attempt at a close up. Perhaps I will try again next year!

Friday, 9 September 2011

Ethan at 11 months of age

Poor Ethan hasn't been very well, he's teething, has a cold, cough, upset tummy and an itchy rash. As usual it's all blamed on a 'virus' so there is nothing he can take to help. We can cope during the day but I don't know how his Mum is still standing as he hasn't slept now for about 2 weeks so therefore neither has she!

Give him a bland diet they say so it has been chicken and rice and not much else but he's taken it with a smile bless him.