Wednesday 3 December 2008

A foggy Martin Mere

Anyone who knows me knows that I don't do 'cold' weather!! However last Saturday I did venture to Martin Mere to help for the North West bird festival for which I believe there were over 750 visitors that day. The weather didn't seem to put off the true bird watchers who came for the work shops, lectures and displays. Some even walked to the hides with binoculars and cameras but most came back from there slightly disappointed with the view!!
In the early afternoon I went to investigate for myself - well for Anya really - I just knew she would want an update for the swan link hide. I donned my insulated coat, hat, scarf, heated gloves and went off to brave the weather. There are still only about 1200 whooper swans in the area but not many of these could be seen today. I didn't hang around for the 3pm feed but carried on for a jog around the grounds.

Even the smaller lakes were surrounded in fog and good photos were out of the question - well that's my excuse.

The beaver lodge remains as ever a construction site!

Then one bright corner - I found these just outside the beaver lodge.

Then it was back to the office block and a mug of hot vegetable soup to warm the cockles of the heart (well it almost worked as well as a brandy) !!