Wednesday 16 September 2009

Notre Dame, Pompidous and street artists

Now I have sorted out the computer I can return to the Paris photos - sorry folks but I have just a few more!
On almost every corner you can find a street artist. Most seem to work really hard and don't mind being photographed as long as you don't try to take pix of their actual work. A few however seem to have a camera phobia and turn their back to you!

Notre Dame stands proudly on the Ile de la Cite. The building took over 180 years to complete (1163 - 1345).

The main entrance comprises three carved portals with biblical scenes representing the life of St Anne, the story of the Last Judgement and the Virgin. The row of statues above is known as the Kings' Gallery

The softly lit chapels were being used by the locals for private prayer and although photos were permitted a flash was not.

Centre Georges Pompidou

It has an "inside out" appearance, the utility pipes are all coloured differently and the escalator tube is red.

Street performers mingle with painters and roller skaters in the Place George Pompidous.

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