Whilst Thomas took Edward to the football Anya kindly took me to the theatre. We went to the Shaftesbury to see the musical Hairspray. It was fantasitc, I really enjoyed it. I haven't seen the film so didn't really know what to expect, but the music was brill and the stamina of the actors left me feeling exhausted!!
Or - - - was it the fact that we had walked miles to get there!!!! As always we couldn't miss a photo opportunity so whilst Magaret and Jamie used public transport Anya and I used shanks' pony. These photos are now being edited and will appear here shortly! Meanwhile here are 2 of the theatre, at last we were almost there.

- and these 2 were taken later that night.
Oooops now where is that ghost off to at this time of night?

This was taken through the windscreen as we pulled up at trraffic lights.