Saturday, 14 July 2007

Sue's first visit to Martin Mere 11/07/07

As we stepped out of the car the first person we met was Fred, perhaps better known for standing in all weathers on the map floating in Albert Dock.

Well I did try to explain that we only feed the birds with feathers on their backs but would she listen!!

The mating dance??

This moorhen gave the pigeon a sharp peck whenever he got too close to the nest.

My favourites.
The window seems to be out of bounds now that the mating season is under way.

I think the gulls may just have out numbered the pigeons today.

They certainly didn't let the eider ducks have all their own way when it came to food.

As the black headed swan seems to have disappeared (gone to pastures new to look for a mate) I think we must now dedicate the black swan to Sue.

Meg and Mog giving the pigeon a run for his money.

Can't find this one in any of my books - any help please?

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