Sunday 4 May 2008

Back to the old stomping ground - Martin Mere.

This first shot seems to sum up my day! I had headed for the hides which tend to be quiet since the swans have left, found myself a nice corner and sat in wait. Just as the birds arrived so did a family with 6 thousand kids (well i exaggerate a little!) so I picked up my bags and left the hides.

These two are obviously an item and only had eyes for each other except of course when they spied my bag of seed.

It's nesting time for the moorhens.

You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours!

The coots are one step ahead and the babies are chasing the adults for food.

Hey mum look I can see myself!

This shelduck seemed to take a disliking to the mallard with her family and fought a hard battle for exclusive rights to this pond.

Even taking the fight onto dry land.

But the mallard was not to be beaten, she rounded up her charges and took them all back to the water.

These 3 eggs were in with the coscoroba swans. The swans however seemed to be sunning themselves on the far bank well away from the eggs, hope they have not been deserted.

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