Monday 19 May 2008

Talpa europaea / Moley

We have never actually seen moley or any of his family we just have to count the mole hills each morning. He has been all over the garden but does seem to like one spot and that is under the apple tree! He has been there for over a week now and we have tried filling in the tunnels, rolling the lawn, banging it with a spade (I have read that they are very susceptible to concussion and will move away if the surrounding ground is hit with any force), you name it we've tried it.

Alas none of this has worked so last night we piled heavy plants and the roller onto the affected area and waited!

Needless to say we didn't have to wait too long - about 6am this morning they were busy at work again with not just one mound -

but two - they had even tried to come up in the middle of the plants. We give up - moley please have your family and quickly move on!

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