Sunday 12 July 2009

Man City, Lavatera, Hypericum, Hydrangea etc.!

This is the time of year when all the hard work in the garden pays off (well not exactly my hard work but you know what I mean!). It is also hedge cutting time - - I rest my case!!!!!!!!!

The Hypericum will soon be past it's best.

The Lavatera is just beginning to flower

This lily keeps cropping up all over the garden and has been here as long as we have lived here.

The Hydrangea is taking over near to the bbq and seems to be sporting 2 different colours.

The apples look good as long as we can keep the wasps and birds at bay!


Cistus X purpureus (yes I did look that one up!).

See they already have their eye on the apples.

While out in the garden I noticed some activity next door - first it looked as if the birds where checking if anyone was home -

Then as the coast was clear they continued with job in hand -

Just a few more pieces should be enough

Do you think I should tell him in case he gets the roofers back??????

1 comment:

Anya and Lisa said...

I am sure I have seen that City shot somewhere before.. Jamie says 'keep your thieving hands off John Terry'

Our laveteria has been in flower for weeks... but it photographs better than mine so maybe it was getting it's beauty sleep... your garden must look fab right now..

Au revoir